Henry Lawless entered the Navy, in May, 1807, as Fst.-cl. Vol., on board the Procris 18, Capt. Fras. Beauman, attached to the force in the North Sea; and between the close of the same year and the date of his promotion to the rank of Lieutenant, 27 April, 1814, was successively employed, chiefly as Midshipman, in the Inflexible 64, Capt. Joshua Rowley Watson, Éclair sloop, Capt. Chas. Kempthorne Quash, Princess of Orange 74, flag-ship of Vice-Admiral Campbell, Perlen 38, and Bombay 74, both commanded by Capt. Norbone Thompson, Barham 74, Capt. John Wm. Spranger, and Argo 44, Capts. Wm. Browne and Wm. Fothergill, on the Home and West India stations. He then joined the Statira frigate, Capt. Spelman Swaine, and, continuing in that ship until Jan. 1815, was present in her in the expedition against New Orleans. His next appointments were – 17 Eeb. and 26 Nov. 1830, to the Ramillies and Talavera Coast Blockade ships, both commanded by Capt. Hugh Pigot – and 15 April, 1831, to the Coast Guard, in which he remained until the commencement of 1833. Since 7 March, 1843, he has been again employed in the latter service.
Served in Statira from 1814 under Captain Swaine , the previous Captain Hassard having being killed in an infamous duel in April 1814 with an officer of the Argo
On October 24, 1814 Edward Pakenham received orders to command the expedition against New Orleans that is assembling in Jamaica. He and his officers departed for Negril Bay a week later, aboard the Statira. Folllowing the action to clear Lake Borne, December 1814 Statira took an active part in the following operations. it was noted on 6 January 1815, a boat from the Statira overturned on Lake Borgne. Seventeen fusiliers with round shot in their knapsacks were drowned in the shallow waters.
in February 1815 when she struck an uncharted rock off Cuba on the 26th. When all efforts to save her failed, the officers and crew were removed into a transport belonging to the convoy and she went down after half an hour.