Military General Service clasp Java (Ensign), Army of India clasp Bhurtpoor (Captain)
Captain D. Gordon 59th foot.
Nicely toned , original though tatty ribbons. From the family bt descent and first time to the market
Wounded during the storming of Fort Cornelis, 26 August 1811
From Hart’s 1840 . Major Duncan Gordon ‘Served at the capture of Isle of France, and of Java in 1811, and was wounded at the storming of Fort Cornelis. Served at the siege and capture of Bhurtpore.’
During the invasion of Java, the 59th Foot – along with the 14th Foot and a battalion of Bengal Volunteers – formed part of the Right Brigade under Colonel Gibbs. The 59th were conspicuous for their gallantry at the storming of Fort Cornelis, where they assaulted the enemy guns by the point of the bayonet, but were attacked by an enemy column advancing on their left flank. The attack was driven off but not before the Regiment took a large number of casualties. The 59th Foot suffered a higher number of casualties than any other regiment; 5 Officers and 44 other ranks were killed, and 11 Officers and 107 other ranks were wounded. Only one of the wounded 59th Officers survived to claim their Military General Service medal.
At Bhurtpoor the 59th suffered 121 killed or wounded in the storming of the breach.
Died 1870, aged 87 buried Dean Cemetery 2 , Midlothian. With copy photograph in old age wearing his medals